"Los Tulipanes"

"Los Tulipanes"
48 X 48, oil on panel

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What to do with your tulips now

The late tulips are still in bloom, I love having tulips in bloom for as much time as possible. So we have a great variety to ensure this, and we add to them every year. Late tulips that are planted in spots that don't get a lot of full sun are in their prime here right now. If you want to get some good late tulips, go to The Thanksgiving Point Garden Path Greenhouse right now and get some bulbs ($3.oo a dozen) and pick out the ones that are still attached to leaves and even still have a colorful bloom- if they are really fresh- you can even plant them right now)

Now that many of the tulips are no longer in bloom, there are some things you ought to be doing to get them ready for next year.

I was looking through my blog to see if I had addressed this already... and I had. I did last year. I had started "Be Still", but I only liked one part of the painting back then. Anyway, check out these tips to help you with your tulips.

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