"Los Tulipanes"

"Los Tulipanes"
48 X 48, oil on panel

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Lulu and Nie Nie

A few weeks ago we were out celebrating my sweet baby Lucy's first birthday.  I felt that more than any other birthday, this one had been earned.  It has been a year full of struggle, but this little one has fought so hard and been so sweet through it all.   

Her big sister said, "Mom, how come Lucy always smiles even though she has so many hard things?  And how come I sometimes have a hard time smiling even if things aren't that hard?  I am kind of jealous of her smile." 

I thought it was especially nice that we happened to run into Stephanie Nielson (nieniedialogues)that night.  It was the week before her baby was due, and maybe it was because she was almost to have another little girl, or maybe because she could sense that Lucy knows about fighting to live and being happy in the process, or maybe she is just super nice.  At any rate, she could not have been any sweeter or more interested in little Lulu and all that she has been through in her first year.  I am glad to have this photo as a memento of that sweet little time we spent.  She was so sweet talking to Lucy and playing with her and loving her smiles.  I will love to get to show it to Lucy when she is big.  

I also want to read Stephanie's new book, Heaven is Here, actually, I am not really much of a reader, so I looked it up on i tunes to see if I could listen instead, and guess what, it's there, and she reads it herself.  I really want to get it and hear her tell her story in her own voice.

I just checked her blog and she is in New York City right now.  She has posted a schedule of the shows she will be appearing on this upcoming week.


Hilary and Evan Biddulph said...

That is so cool! Congrats on having a 1 year old..You guys have been through a lot and blessed tons. Love you!

Kim P. Edwards said...

Hi Sarah! Reading through your blog made me feel so happy today. I miss you. Your art is so beautiful.

Jenna Harris said...

My hubby bought me the book for Mother's Day. He even stood in a long line to get Stephanie to sign it for me. I have bawled through the whole thing. It's awesome.

You and I may need to have a book club to discuss when you've finished listening. :)