"Los Tulipanes"

"Los Tulipanes"
48 X 48, oil on panel

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

painting at the Deseret Book Flagship Store

I had a great time painting at the Deseret Book Flagship Store downtown. It was so fun to get to visit with friends who came to see me, and to meet new friends too. I loved how happy people were to think that spring is on it's way, the weather doesn't feel like it, but my paintings seemed to get people excited to think about it.
I'll be painting there again on Friday, March 11th.
By the way, do you see that big stack of books behind me? President Monson signed each and every one, each signature is unique, and they are only available at the Flagship location.

1 comment:

rosedatocdall said...


That is so cool! Really lovely painterly stuff. Beautiful prints.
